(For Macca maniacs)
Since Paul McCartney's newest album "Memory Almost Full" was released on June 6th , I have soaked in his music everyday. I feel happy not only for the short interval from the former album - only two years - but also for the fulfilling and fascinating contents.
1. Dance Tonight
First, my feelings about this song are "weak" and "not suitable for the first single". This tune needs more gimmicks. It is too simple, but iPod + iTunes video featuring Paul and this tune changed my impression. This song transformed from a simple and somewhat boring song to a flowering and cute pop tune. The power of the video to my mind was strong.
2. Ever Present Past
Needless to say, the unique sound (like 80's?) and free melody lines are the characteristic of this song. My favorite point of this song is Paul's double track vocals. They show the wellness of Paul's vocals even though he is over sixty.
3. See Your Sunshine
Bass lines are remarkably charming. This song has high quality as a whole, but my ears want to chase only the bass line.
4. Only Mama Knows
I suppose that many Macca maniacs have longed for a song like this. I also have. This song has many characters of "Paul's rock music" - apparently straight and simple, but in fact having many gimmicks, what's more, so awesome! This song is one of my most favorite since I have listen to this album.
5. You Tell Me
Sorry Paul, this tune counted the lowest times played by my iPod and iTunes at the present time. I feel this song also has high quality, but I am too busy listening to the other delicious dishes.
6. Mr. Bellamy
Interesting. Paul showed us a new face of his talent. In addition to this, he composed and sang several unforgettable melodies.
7. Gratitude
Strong positive power flows from this song and its lyrics. Great. However, I feel that Paul strained to sing his high pitch vocal line. A great song but strained vocals. Whenever I listen to this song, I have complicated feelings.
8. Vintage Clothes
I love some of this song's faces - melody, lyrics, and sound composition. In particular, Paul's whistle, which reminded me of his another excellent song "Little Lamb Dragonfly"
9. That was Me
The lyrics are interesting, but the music isn't, I feel.
10. Feet in the clouds
I can't help loving this tune. Normal cutting guitar chords, simple rhymes such "-ed" and "-er", childish lyric like "very very very very very...", Paul's multi chorus changed by a vocoder: above all points fascinated me.
11. House of Wax
Personally, this song is the best for its respects of music completion degree and Paul's new frontier of music. Some of the sublimity and fear were born from this tune. Poetic deep lyrics and spirited and powerful guitar solo make the song more splendid. Paul and his band members are so great.
By the way, I have a question about this song's title for English native readers. What is "House of Wax"- Japanese translated lyrics says that it is "the house made by wax". When I googled this title, I find a horror movie "House of Wax", its Japanese title is "The house of wax figures". Which is true? or isn't the meaning clear even for English native reader?
12. The end of the End
I can't listen to this song with calm. Can Paul's other fans feel this song as an ordinarily good ballad, even though the lyrics describe Paul's life ending?
13. Nod Your Head
Yes, welcome such a "hard" rocking by Paul. Sorry for his vocals... not so strained like "Gratitude" His vocal is so strong and high even though he is over sixty years old, it's unbelievable, just not enough for this song.
On the other hand, I want Paul to write and sing hard songs. Contradiction.
Bonus Track: Why so Blue
Why is this deep song out of the album's normal tracks- I like, especially, the last half of this song, positive lyrics on minor chords. It convinced me that as Paul has gotten older he has acquired a deeper character.
Bonus Tracks: "In Private" and "222"
Both songs are boring for me. I can't find any interesting points in these tunes.
Comprehensive impression
Personally, "Memory Almost Full" is Paul's greatest album since "Flaming Pie". The former album "Chaos and the Creation in the Backyard" is also good because it showed us Paul's new music world. But I feel "monochrome" from the album. The newest album is "colorful". Paul is cheerful, deep and awesome. Only additional one would want is for Paul to do a world tour with the songs of this album.
Wow, you listed so many Paul McCartney's solo songs and I am interested on reading about your reviews of those songs mentioned.
Your reviews about Paul McCartney songs are very well-written and objective, with little to no biases.
I don't listen much to Paul solo songs because I spend more time on listening John's solo songs (which is cofirmed because I am fan of John).
Glad to know that Paul still could write songs in the spite of his old age, I think music is very good for Paul. I hope Paul could write more nice songs to please everyone (especially his fans like you).
As a reply, I would like to tell you my top ten favorite John Lennon's solo songs and why I like them.
1. Imagine: Do I have to ask? The most beautiful solo work John, I enjoy this song so much in the spite of the controversies about this song and the rumour about this song being a communistic song. Flash news for you, do you know that Ono Yoko (John's second wife) also contributed to some of the song lyrics? John even said that Yoko also should get the songwriting credit for this song.
2. Oh Yoko: I know many people hate this song but I love it very much. John's harmonica playing makes this song even catchier and he conveyed this song so well, he was so lovesick over Yoko hahahaha. The piano playing on this is alos very catchy, I just cannot help but adore it.
3. Oh My Love: Mellow song with tender lyrics, this song talks about John's love for Yoko. The lyrics are simple yet beautiful in the typical John style. The piano playing by John is also nicely done.
4. Watching the Wheels: John's introspective song about his life while taking care his second son, Sean Lennon. When listened to this song, I remembered the day when John died.
5. Beautiful Boy: Beautiful mellow song, written by John for his second son, Sean Lennon. John's voice is really soulful, he conveyed the song quite well.
6. Jealous Guy: John's regretful song about his past mistakes, I appreciate John's honesty about his own problems from this song.
7. Mother: The most heartwreching song about John's unhappy relationship with his mother and father. I sympathize with John's abandonment problem when he was a child although onnthe same time I also cannot condone any of the not so good things that he ever did.
8. Woman: Beautiful heartfelt song written by John for Yoko and his first wife, Cynthia Lennon (RIP). John realized that he loved both of his wives, Cynthia and Yoko, when he wrote this song.
9. Cleanup Time: Catchy song with interesting lyrics, I love the guitar playing the most.
10. Isolation: The saddest song that John ever wrote, I listened this song for the first time when I watched an English language television drama titled "John and Yoko: A Love Story" from youtube.
Thank you for showing your list. All songs you listed are also my favorites. My favorite John's solo works are as follows; Love, Out The Blue, Mother, Oh My Love, Gimme Some Truth
Yes, I love Paul's solo works very much. My all-time best is here; https://yositeru.blogspot.com/2013/11/paul-mccartney-in-japan-2013.html?showComment=1509666755344#c742297147808558161
I actually admire John Lennon as a musician and a songwriter because many of his songs are very profound and interesting. I think he and Paul McCartney both are very talented songwriters that I admire.
Even though I admire John Lennon but on the same time I couldn't condone his poor treatment towards his first wife, his poor treatment towards his first son, his alcohol abuse, and his drug abuse. Yet on the same time, I couldn't fully blame John himself for his problems when he was alive because according to a biography book about John which was writen by his first wife that I read, the reason why John was a problematic man is because John went through unhappiness as a child. His unhappy childhood life is the main reason why he had behavior problems when he was alive.
As for Yoko Ono, John's later wife, I couldn't say whether I like but I couldn't say that I hate her either. I can see why John was attracted to Yoko, John was attracted to Yoko because to him Yoko stood out as a mother figure that would make John happy. I personally don't hold any grudge towards Yoko and I don't fully blame Yoko for The Beatles breakup because there are also other reasons why the band broke up. And I also could acknowledge the good things that Yoko even did to John such as helped him to write some of his songs and stay loyal to him until the end.
May John rest in peace and may his music live forever.
As for Paul McCartney, I also appreciate him as well, even though I like John more than him. I personally adore his relationship with John, I think he and John had an interesting bond with one another which amde them worked together so well as songwriters for the band. I wish all the best for Paul and may his msuic live forever as well.
I agree with your opinion about John Lennon. His talent is doubtlessly miraculous, however, I can't agree with his actions to his first wife and son.
Many people criticize Yoko Ono, I understand their feelings, but I appreciate her. Some of her arts include great ideas. Her actions for peace and some social problems are great and inspired many people. I'm not a big fan of her, but I admit that she is an artist and great wife of John.
You are right about Yoko, her good deeds towards John are being overlooked sometimes. Some people still think that Yoko is the one who broke up the band. I personally think it is unfair to blame Yoko for the band's breakup.
Plus, without Yoko, I wouldn't be able to listen to "Real Love" and "Free As A Bird," two of my favorite songs from the Beatles Anthology series. Yoko was the one who sent John's recordings on "Real Love" and "Free As A Bird" to Paul McCartney, and then Paul recorded those two songs together with George and Ringo during the making process of Beatles Anthology series. As well, Yoko was the main inspiration for John Lennon to write "Real Love," my favorite love song within the Anthology series.
I can see why John Lennon loved Yoko, Yoko made John feel happy. Although there are criticisms surrounding their relationship, I still think they could get along together well.
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