Saturday, January 23, 2010

My 2010 resolutions

1. Health

Take no day off due to catching a cold.

Concrete plan: I will go to my fitness club 1.5times a week on average. Sleeping over 7 hours every day.

2. Learn cooking more

Concrete plan: Learn how to two cook meals.

I can cook only five menu items to help my wife who looks after our three-year-old son. I have to learn how to cook more.

3. Begin to make my ideal room

Concrete plan: One of my dreams is to make my ideal room. It will be a paradise in which I can enjoy reading books, listening to music and appreciating movies. This year, I purchase my family's own house instead of a rental flat, so I can start my idea. To begin with, I will select good speakers for my PC, which is like a juke box with thousands digital tunes, a HD Display and a high-spec PC for editing my son's HD movies.

4. Select one theme and study it for this year

Concrete plan: I will make summary sheets of this study and show them to my friends (sorry, in Japanese)

I studied the Japanese government tax system and the amount I pay and the government uses. This year, I still haven't decide the theme, however, I want to study something appropriately help my political vote or my job (I am a consultant of practical using / improving / constructing call centers.)

5. Be able to play a new tune on piano

Concrete plan: I will upload my playing to the web.

6. Keep TOEIC score above 800 and 400 for the listening section

I would like to maitain my English ability and improve listening ability (last year, I got 370 listening score in 820 total score.)

7. Reform my website (Japanese Version)

Concrete Plan: I will update all "under construction" pages except music, movies and books critics.


Anonymous said...

It is useful to try everything in practise anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)

Yoshiteru said...

Yes, I also think it is always possible to find something new. I hope to meet such a thing.